Language Learning at the Library

Language Learning at the Library

Whether you or someone you know is trying to learn English or another language, the library is working hard to meet all language learners’ needs. Here’s how:

First off, let all the English learners you know in on this hot tip: The library is partnering with English at Large to bring a Beginners’ English class to Wakefield as well as a revamped Conversation Group! Registration is required for both groups is happening now, through the end of this week, for the Spring session starting in the first week of February. 

The Beginners’ class will meet twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10-11:30am. The Conversation Group will continue to meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm, but will now be led by trained volunteers provided by English at Large. Our team of enthusiastic librarians who have been leading the group for the past year, are handing over the reins to English at Large with a mix of gratitude and sadness – we’ve been having so much fun with the group!!

Registration is open for both groups and must be completed by Saturday, January 25, using the following links. (Both registration forms can also be found at English at Large’s website under the Learn tab):

Beginners’ Class

Conversation Group 

If you know English learners who are interested but can’t make this session, we expect classes to continue with a shorter session during the summer and another 12-week session in the Fall. Use the forms on the English at Large website (to be published shortly) to show interest for later sessions. 

For anyone interested in learning other languages, don’t forget that we have a growing World Languages collection for both adults and youth, including learners’ materials in Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, Korean, and more. We also have fiction and nonfiction in various languages, so English speakers can practice their second (or third!) language, and folks who have a different first language can read in their native tongue. 

Finally, remember to check out our two online language learning resources on the website (under Books & More/Research & Learning): Pronunciator has courses, movies, music and more in 163 languages. It also has American Sign Language, ESL, and US Citizenship help. Transparent Languages includes over 100 foreign languages and can be accessed using an app for your phone or tablet. If you don’t see what you need in our World Languages collections feel free to fill out the form in our Suggestion Box and we will do our best to find what you are looking for. Or come to the Reference Desk for help looking for materials owned by other library systems. 

Oh, and PS: stay tuned for our US Civics and Citizenship Toolkit, soon to be available to check out from the adult World Languages section.