NoveList: A Great Resource for What to Read Next

NoveList: A Great Resource for What to Read Next

Maybe it’s because school is starting again, or maybe it has something to do with the crisp fall air, but September always feels like a fresh start. If that means you’re thinking about what books to read, either for yourself or for a book group, we’d like to introduce you to the newly revamped NoveList – a great resource for suggesting books – built right into our catalog. Just search for a title as you usually would and scroll down to the bottom of the page for NoveList suggestions.

Say, for instance, you’d really like to read something similar to Kate Atkinson’s novel Life After Life, a novel built around the idea that you can live again and again until you get it right. Here’s what you’ll find when you scroll down the page:

In the Similar Titles section, click on the cover images to find a brief summary of each book and the reason that it reads like Atkinson’s. Click on the Find It button to go straight to the NOBLE catalog to place a hold on a copy.

In the Similar Authors section you’ll find information about other authors who write in similar styles or focus on similar plotlines, character types, settings, etc. And here, also, you’ll see the Find It button which will take you to all of that author’s titles in the NOBLE catalog.

If none of the above get you to a book you like, try the Story Finder tool. Just click on the elements from your chosen book that are most important to you, and you’ll get another list of suggestions from NoveList.

Of course, if you prefer the personal touch, you can always chat with us about what you’d like to read next at the Reference Desk – in person or by calling 781-246-6334. If you’d prefer to have the full weight of all Beebe’s Readers’ Advisory librarians at your fingertips, fill out this form from our website and we’ll send you a list of personalized suggestions by email within five business days. 

Whichever method you choose, the library is always happy to help you find your next great read!